
Califonia is a place

골든 게이트 스토리 - 골든 게이트는 캘리포니아의 애칭.

그곳에서 벌어지는 이야기들을 다큐멘터리 형식으로 담은 영상들을 볼 수 있는 사이트.
다큐멘터리의 영상이 so cool!




적나라한 홍콩의 삶.

일요일이면 온 가족이 식당에서 둘러앉아 외식하는 모습이 다반사인 도시.
반짝이는 홍콩의 야경과 달리 그들의 삶의 질적 수준은....머랄까... 감동의 수준.

인간의 모습을 그대로 거침없이 드러낸 것 같은...

감동. 감동. 많은 생각의 물결.
함 가 보시라.



Geek of Life

How is Your life going?
Are you the ONE who is really unique in this world?

If you curious others life then let's check this site 'www.theselby.com'
there are many of stories which is outstanding people's life and their stuff.

"Todd Selby is a portrait, interiors, and fashion photographer and illustrator.

His project The Selby offers an insider’s view of creative individuals in their personal spaces with an artist's eye for detail.

The Selby began in June 2008 as a website, www.theselby.com, where Todd posted photo shoots he did of his friends in their homes. Requests quickly began coming in daily from viewers all over the world who wanted their homes to be featured on the site. The Selby’s website became so popular—with up to 35,000 unique visitors daily—that within months, top companies from around the world began asking to collaborate."


Wall House #2

From delightful aesthetic expression under constraints, to... theoretical architecture made real. Architect John Hejduk was known for "a profound interest in the fundamental issues of shape, organization, representation, and reciprocity". His Wall House #2 was built - posthumously, nearly 3 decades after it was designed - outside the city of Groningen, in the Netherlands.

The residential rooms of the house are all on one side of the large wall, on different levels. To go from one floor to another, you have to use the stairs - on the other side of the wall.
The first time I learned of this home, it gave me a sense of child-like joy. How great it is that such an imaginative, yet theory-driven home got built.


Reflection of Mineral house, Japan

Wow, I am surprised again about Japanese aesthetic + imagination today.

As you know, Tokyo is one of the biggest cities in the world.
So, it's easy to imagine how many people are living together in this small region.
It would be a difficult situation to have your own aesthetic environment.

However you can see here an achievement of beautiful architecture in this chaotic and dense city.

Contemporary Japanese house : Atelier Tekuto Co., Ltd.
Architect : Yasuhiro Yamashita (Atelier Tekuto)
Photographer : Makoto Yoshida


The clown - Cindy Sherman

The eyes
The soul
The life
The death